I became a Christian when I was 18. One of the first things I was taught was to pray and ask God to speak to me. I felt I heard the voice of God telling me that he had called me into the music ministry. So I told the elders at my church. They said “great, you should join the music group.“ I did not play an instrument or sing, so I started praying about which instrument to learn. I felt the Lord directing me to learn the guitar. I found a guitar shop, got some basic advice and bought a cheap Fender Malibu acoustic. I joined the music group for rehearsals and began to learn different chords, (struggled with bar chords like most guitarist in the beginning).
After a few months I stepped forward one time and sang prophetically during a time of ministry at the end of a meeting. It was the first time I’ve ever sang publicly in my life. I was encouraged to sing more by the church and the worship leader began to mentor me. After about a year, I was beginning to lead the music team with him. So around the age of 19 I was singing and leading regularly. I then quickly developed a passion for song writing.
It was the guitar playing and then the breakthrough into singing that birthed the desire to make my own music. I dreamed of making my own album one day. In the 80’s, recording studios were very expensive, and in those days there was no professional AND affordable technology around to record at home. So until recently a lot of this has remained a dream. A passion. But now that technology is becoming more affordable and online courses are available, I’m slowly seeing those dreams become reality.